Category Archives: H

When You Have A Simple Question

When You Have A Simple Question

H, when you have a simple question.

You always say the same thing.

You say:

“I need to tell you a question.”

The thing is, I don’t actually know for sure if you are still confusing statements and questions.

Or – if you are indulging us because you can sense that we think the uncertainty is endearing.

It started with the clear confusion of a toddler.

But it seems like you sometimes look to satisfy us, by an innocent question and an absent look.

Like a dad prancing around for a tea party to love on his daughter, it feels like you “tell us your questions.”

Feel free to continue for as long as you wish.

We love the delusion.

I love you.


A Perfect Saturday

A Perfect Saturday

Girls, this was a perfect Saturday.

Sunday was, of course, Father’s Day and we were pretty low-key.

We went to church, took naps, and ran an errand or two, etc.

But Saturday was a full and awesome day.

We got up early and spent the morning at the pool.

On the way home, we picked up Wendy’s for lunch and ate at the house before we all took quick showers and baths.

As soon as we finished, we drove to Seminole and you girls spent the rest of the day playing with your cousins.

I think you both spent 95% of your time outside.

We all had spaghetti and lasagne for dinner and visited until the sun began to think about going down.

Mom gave you both baths and put you in your pajamas before we poured everyone back into the car and watched the sunset as we drove home.

After a big day, worn out kids sleeping in the back seat can be such a beautiful thing.

It rained a little on the way back.

And H, you woke up in time to see a rainbow.

Every weekend I get with y’all is great, but this one was especially hard to beat.

I love you.


Our First Dance Recital

Our First Dance Recital

Well, girls, we had our first dance recital this last weekend.

We turned it into an event.

Pop, Gammies, Aunt J, and all your Midland cousins came to watch.

Grandma and Grandpa even came up for the weekend.

It was fun!

H, your Friday evening performance was fantastic.

The doors opened at 5 PM and the show started at 6.

K, we were so worried you were going to be tired and not make it through with your 7:30 bed-time.

But the lights went down and you were as happy as can be watching the dancers come and go as one routine finished and another began.

We all went to Rosas for dinner after the show was over.

There is only one little hiccup in all this.

Mom absolutely fell in love with being a dance mom. The discipline, the routine, and the community of it.

At the same time, H, you have said you don’t want to do dance next year.


You still have time to change your mind, of course, but we love you no matter what you choose.

And who knows.

K, you certainly loved practicing with your sister!

I can still hear the song:

Yes, I am a panda bear
When I dance I shake my hair
Bounce my knees, tap my toes
Shake-shake, bounce-bounce, tap-tap toes

I love you.
