Category Archives: H

The Little Cracker Thief

The Little Cracker Thief

K, H called you a cracker thief the other day.

It was hilarious.

I mean, you are all about the crackers.

So it was 5:15 or so, and we were just home from school and work.

We were starting to think about dinner, and every time we turned around one of you girls was asking for another cracker.

K, you could not get enough and were double-fisting them at one point.

You may have picked up one of H’s.

So H turns around and says:

She is a little cracker thief!

I was still smiling about it two days later.

I love you.


Texas Tech Museum

The Texas Tech Museum Was A Hit

We had an epic trip to the Texas Tech Museum this weekend!

I think it was such a hit because it was out of the ordinary.

We had never been before and there was a bunch of open space for us all to run and be crazy.

Y’all especially enjoyed the animal exhibit.

The was a lion, and a bear, and a giant wolf – among others.

We even got to dress up with crowns and scepters as part of an interactive display featuring the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle that happened that morning.

It was perfect.

I love you.
