Category Archives: H

Just Snappin

K, with a little instruction over the last weeks…

You have taught yourself how to snap!

You did it for the first time last night while we were reading books.

And you were doing it tonight for the whole family while we were watching TV.

I just adore the way that your face lights up after you make your fingers pop together a few times in a row.

Tonight during prayers you were quietly just snappin away as fast as you could.

Of course, all this caused a little conflict.

H, you were so upset tonight that K could do something that you have yet to figure out…

Don’t sweat it though – I’ll teach you.

You too, T.

I love you.


Chicken Fried

H, the last few days mom and I have been listening to some old country songs.

Some old. Some not so old.

Fast forward a few days.

You are walking from one end of the house to the other.

I hear you singing to yourself Chicken Fried, By: Zach Brown Band.

You sing:

You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio up

Ahhhhhhh! Mom and I just gasp at each other…

Our precious seven year old singing about beer!

I text Aunt Jenny later to laugh about the whole thing.

She says: “Raising that girl right if she knows Zach Brown songs.”

Mom laughs and simply says:

It’s a good song!

We just love you to pieces.

I love you.
