Category Archives: H

Sleepover Ready

Sleepover Ready

K, you are sleepover ready.

See, the last 2 days have been fantastic.

H went to spend a few days at Pop and Gammies house just for fun, which means, we have been showering you with kisses every night the last 3 days.

We must have read 20 or 30 books.

You have had so much attention to yourself, I am not sure you have known what to do with it.

You have been so sweet.

And at least 4 or 5 times a day, you ask for H.


Ok, so why do I say you are ready for a sleepover?

H got home late yesterday, we were taking stuff in and out of the car, Gammies was trying to leave…

In all the back and forth, you found H’s pink little suitcase on rollers – and you were out the door in a flash.

We have the best picture of it.

[I would show it here. But that kind of defeats the privacy/anonymity I am pursuing.]

My beautiful girl.

I love you.


We Need To Get Into Jams And Jellies

We Need To Get Into Jams And Jellies

H, a few weeks I made an offhanded comment and said that we needed to get into jams and jellies.

That’s nothing, right?

The funny part is that I was quoting one of the Despicable Me movies that we had recently watched.

You heard me.

And you were like:

“Yeah, that sounds good, I want some.”

And then, of course, you were completely confused that I did not actually mean to say:

“We need to get into jams and jellies.”

Mom and I felt bad you misunderstood.

My sweet girl.

I hope we start and jams and jelly business one day.

I love you.


Leg Sprinkles

Leg Sprinkles

H, yesterday we were getting ready for bed.

You were laying on me and had been there for awhile.

Since I was on my stomach, and you were laying on my back, I could not see exactly what position you were in.

After we had both not moved for a good 15 minutes, you slid off to one side and sat on the bed next to me.

You leaned over to me with a concerned look and said:

My leg feels like sprinkles.”

I wrinkled my forehead back at you and asked:


You touched your calf muscle and said:

Yeah, inside of it.”

I had to think for a second.

And then it hit me.

I knew what it was:

“Ah! Sweetheart! Your leg fell asleep for the first time!”

You were so excited you did not even ask me any of the particulars of what that meant.

You just ran to tell mom.

The first time your leg fell asleep, I’m so glad you were sitting on me.

I love you.
