Category Archives: H

I Think That’s Interesting

I Think That’s Interesting

H, you have started to say that “that’s” interesting.

What’s interesting?


It happens usually when we are explaining something to you.

For example, you might ask – like you did this morning:

“Where do rainbows come from?”

After we give you a, typically, shallow and wanting explanation, you will pause.

You tilt your head slightly, look at us very plainly, and say with a mild excitement:

“That’s interesting.”

You are beautiful and perfect.

I love who you are becoming.

I love you.


Can We Take A Fish Home?

Can We Take A Fish Home?

H, a few weeks ago you asked if we could take a fish home.

I nearly forgot to write it down.

The hilarious part of it is that we were at PetSmart – the pet store!

We had walked through and looked at the dogs that were up for adoption.

We checked out the cats.

And even stopped to look at the parakeets.

On the way out, we walked past the fish.

You said:

“Dad, can we get a fish?”

“You want a fish?” I asked as you looked at a tank of goldfish.

You said:

“Yeah. We can take it home. And put it on a plate. And eat it.”

All I could do was laugh.

You laughed too.

I am still not even sure if you were joking or not…

I love you.


On The Ground With Bunnies

On The Ground With Bunnies

Some things are obviously good, some bad, – being with bunnies is, of course, in the former.

So yesterday we went to a friends house to watch the Super Bowl.

It was a 5 or 10-minute drive and both of you kids seemed excited to go and be out of the house.

On the way H, you started talking.

I do not remember exactly what it was even about.

But soon the conversation moved to airplanes and flying.

As we slowed for a stop sign, you announced to the car.

“I am scared of going down in an airplane. But I am not scared of going on the ground with bunnies. Bunnies are so cute.”

You said it in a very matter-of-fact tone.

And K, you had the best time ever running and chasing the older kids around.

You both did.

You girls had a great night.

I love you.
