Category Archives: H

We Rocked Disney Live On Friday

We Rocked Disney Live On Friday

H, this last Friday, we rocked a Disney Live show.

In reality, it was more of a character experience/magic show – and, actually, was a lot better than I thought it would be!

Pop and Gammies came to town to watch K while we were gone.

K’s bedtime is 7 – and the show didn’t even start till then…

We got there early and found our seats on the floor.

Before it started, you and mom went shopping for souvenirs.

Out of everything – all the Disney princesses to chose from – you wanted the cowgirl from Toy Story, Jesse.

You brought your new Jesse doll back to your seat so proud of yourself.

And your face lit up when the show started.

It lit up even more when Jesse and Woody came out to sing.

The magic brooms that danced with Mickey Mouse was also one of your favorite parts.

Mickey swept with a broom and then told the broom to sweep by itself.

It did, and soon 12 brooms were dancing around the stage by themselves.

Before every magic part the cast would get the crowd to chant along with them:

Wiggle your fingers. Stomp the ground. Make some magic. All around!

What a great night.

My girl.

I love you.


Ok, Ok - You Get The Word "Dog"

Ok, Ok – You Get The Word “Dog”

The word – dog – is yours, K.

It’s official.

You get the word: https://bearfruitwithpatience/dog

I remember H saying “dog” all the time when she was little too – but you take the cake on it.

You win – it’s your favorite word.

By far.

I mean, you probably say it 20 – 30 times before school.

Maybe 100 times in a day total.

For instance, I held you this morning while I was letting Huck out – and I think you said it 12 times while pointing at him – all in less than sixty seconds.

My sweet baby.

Let life come at us.

I’ll be here with you.

I love you.


This Weekend Was Not Terribly Eventful

This Weekend Was Not Terribly Eventful

This last weekend was not terribly eventful, but sometimes you need a weekend like that.

My parents came to see us this weekend – and we simply tried to spend time together.

We tried to spend time together – and mom flat-out put Grandpa to work.

He wired an electric Christmas trees, glued a broken cabinet door back together, bolted down an unsteady toilet, a repaired a hole in our outside fence.

K you were so sweet you followed everyone around all weekend wanting to be held, read to, and loved on.

And H, as my parents were driving away, you and I went outside to wave them goodbye.

I held you, and as they drove off you said:

“I miss them. I hope that they can see us again soon.”

My tender-hearted girls.

I love you.
