Category Archives: H

I Love You In My Teeth

I Love You In My Teeth, A Sweet Story

I love you in my teeth.

Confused? Let me tell you the story.

I laid down to sleep with you last week because you needed to take a nap.

Mom was holding K, because she had been sick, so I just decided to go take a nap with you.

You protested as we went to your room.

Because, well, you always protest the nap.

In fact, the more protest, the more you often need a nap…

I digress.

We laid down and got under the covers.

I said: “Before we rest, let’s say four things we love about each other.”

So we turned towards each other, with our heads on the pillow.

I forget exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of:

“I love how you are silly and love to run around having fun.”
“I love that you are smart and brave.”
“I love how you are sweet and have a soft heart.”
“And I love that you are smart and beautiful.”

As I spoke, your face just lit up a little more after I spoke each sentence.

Then I told you it was your turn.

And I remember exactly what you said.

You said:

“I love you in my heart.”
“I love you in my chest.”
“I love you in my tummy.”
“I love you in my teeth.”

You are beautiful.

I love you.


Honor Can Be Hard To Find In Your Hometown

Honor Can Be Hard To Find In Your Hometown

I have seen honor be hard to find at home.

Let me explain.

  • A child is born and grows up in the same town.
  • They are a meddlesome child, an awkward kid, and a trouble-making teenager.
  • Then, they move off to college and they grow up somehow.
  • They finally get it.
  • They become an engineer, a writer, or maybe a brain surgeon.
  • A career follows, and one day they turn around and their peers look at them as a success.

But you know who still sees them as a stupid kid?

Everyone in their hometown.

I said that to say this.

When you are older, I hope you go to college down the street, find a vocation just across town, and live right around the corner with my grandchildren when I am an old man.

But if you don’t, I hope you are not afraid to get out of the shadow of your hometown.

I came across this passage last week and it leapt off the page at me.

Turns out, even Jesus – of all people – was treated the same.

Matthew 13:54-58:

When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?” So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.”  Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

I love you.


Website Migration Is A Big Pain

Website Migration Is A Big Pain

So, I learned that website migration is a big pain.

I started my other website on Blogger.

Partly, I started it there just playing around.

…And because the Blogger platform was easy, and free.

Then I left it there because – well – it was easy and free.

The more I learned, I knew that long-term, I needed to be on WordPress instead of Blogger.

Long story short, I made that move this last week.

So, I am sorry for not writing here in a few weeks.

Just know that migrating a website is a pain.

And that I love you.

I’ll be back here soon.

I have drafts saved and ready to go.

I love you.
