Category Archives: H

We Lived

Well, how did the weekend in Kerrville go?

We survived.

We lived.

We drove down late Friday and ate at Acapulco for dinner.

Saturday morning we drove to New Braunfels and ate at the Gristmill for lunch. It was way too hot, but we sat outside anyway.

I think all the babies and half the adults nearly had a heat stroke.

But by the time we were halfway home, K had a fever. So we stopped at a clinic and found out she had an ear infection.

Sunday, we just went to church and hung out with Grandpa and Grandma at home.

But Sunday night, H threw-up in the library while we were visiting with Grandma.

Monday was relatively quiet too, but we did get to go to Fredericksburg for lunch.

We got up and headed home on Tuesday, but mom said she was feeling bad as we got into the car.

She felt so bad, I think we stopped at every other bathroom the entire way home.

K even had a diaper blowout about an hour into the trip back.

Changing diapers and cleaning poop out of a car seat is not a great gas station stop in Menard, TX.

But we finally made it back!

Like I said: We lived.

No matter the circumstance, I want to travel everywhere with you both.

I love you.


Weekend With Friends

H and K,

We are all heading to Kerrville for Memorial Day this weekend.

Going to visit Grandma and Grandpa.

While we are there, we are going to stop for the day and see some of my old friends.

I wish we lived closer to them.

I wish we could see them more.

And I hope this becomes an annual thing so you can get to know them.

But most of all, I just want to encourage you to have long, meaningful friendships with a group of people that share your values.

A group of friends that you can be 100% yourself around, and they accept you for who you are.

I am tired.

K, you have a little bit of a cough.

And mom’s allergies are frequently bad in Kerrville, so we will see how the weekend goes.

I love you.


A Donut


Mom had an early meeting, so I took you and K to school today.

Getting ready to leave, you went with me to my car to get my coffee mug as mom was leaving.

She honked her horn as she was driving off to say goodbye and you immediately started crying.

“I want my mamma!”

I thought you would stop in a few minutes, but you didn’t.

You cried and cried and cried until on the way to school, I asked if a donut would make you feel better.

You nodded yes, and nearly instantly, you stopped crying.

After we got to school and dropped K off, you were so excited to show your friends in the cafeteria the donut you got.

Sometimes a girl needs her mamma.

Sometimes a girl needs a donut.

I love you.
