Category Archives: H

In The Eye


Last night right before we went to bed, you were in my room.

K had already been put down to sleep, and mom and I were putting your pajamas on you.

In a fit of glee, you started jumping around everywhere on our bed and singing, just making up the words as you went.

You were laughing like crazy and mom and I were tickling you.

One of the last songs you sang before you jumped and collapsed in a giggling heap went:

“Then when you die, you look Jesus in the eye.”

Mom and I are not sure if you got that from somewhere, or made it up on your own.

We all had a hard laugh.

I love you.


Refused Mouthwash

Refused Mouthwash

H, you might have a cavity developing.

So the dentist, a few weeks ago, told us to start you on mouthwash twice per day.

You have been a champ doing it.

Until this morning.

You just spit it out, all over the floor, twice.

And then you just refused it.

We even threatened and took all TV time away from you for the day.

You still refused.

I was still trying to explain it all on the way to school, and the conversation went like this.

“It is our job to take care of you. And the doctor told us we needed to give you mouthwash to keep you healthy. And you refused to take your mouthwash. You made me sad by not doing what the Dr. said to do.””I’m sorry I didn’t do my mouthwash.”

“I don’t want you to be sorry and not do it. I just want you to do your mouthwash when we get home.”

“I will, Daddy.”

“Sweetheart, we have to take care of you.”


Even in moments like this, I see you daily growing into a beautiful woman.

I love you.


Big Thing

H, we have had elementary talks with you about private parts.

Super simple:

Boys have a penis.
Girls have a vagina.
You don’t let other people touch you there.
Sometimes mom and dad do, but only to help you potty.
If you get sick, the doctor can check you there.
Your backside is called a heinie.

In that, you have taken to calling everything in that region your “heinie.”

I tell you that to tell you this.

I was using the bathroom this morning.

While I was there, you came in to chat, just asking me questions, hanging out.

I was sitting on the toilet and you were standing in front of me.

At some point, you glanced down at me and asked:

“Dad, what is that big thing on your heinie.”

Mom and I tried so hard not to laugh.

All I could do was answer:

“That’s my penis.”

I think you answered:

“Right, boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.”

You are perfect.

Don’t ever change.

I love you.
