Category Archives: H

Morning Kiss

H, you are growing up so fast.

But that is a different story.

I just wanted to say thank you for early morning kisses.

In short, I woke up this morning and was wet.

My shirt was almost dripping.

It turns out that sometime after you got in bed with us, your diaper leaked.

Now I am not afraid of a little pee, but after I realized what had happened I woke Mom up, told her what the issue was, and headed for a quick shower.

By the time I got out of the shower mom had changed your diaper and clothes, and you had already eaten a Greek yogurt for breakfast.

Well, we all met in the kitchen, and something threw you into a kissing fit.

It was wonderful.

You give these big – long – wet – kisses right now, where we press our lips together for 10 to 15 seconds while making the “Muah” sound of a kiss.

But with a 15 second kiss it sounds more like:


So there we all were, standing in the kitchen at 6:15 AM this morning, your mom and I taking turns giving you 15 second kisses.

It was beautiful.

Please don’t stop giving me kisses.

I know you will though (at least on the lips).

And do you  know what?

That’s ok.

That’s ok, because life changes, and it’s ok if kisses are part of that change, too.

That’s ok because I will still kiss you on the cheek – even if I have to hold you down when you are 10, 15, or 25, or whenever – and the cheek is not really that far from the lips, really.

That’s ok, because I will always have the kisses from this morning.

I love you.




You might be the cutest thing to ever exist.

But don’t let it go to your head.

You have gotten to the point that you can repeat anything we say.

We go:

“Can you say, Doosie?”

And you say:


“Can you say, Coach Purse?”

And you say:

“Coach Purse!”

Well, yesterday we were on a roll, and we got you to say Guacamole.

Oh my gosh.

So adorable.

You also say that all the time now too:

“Oh my gosh.”

Because apparently, I say it all the time.

We are trying to get you to stop saying it.

But it’s going about the way it would telling your kids not to smoke, with a cigarette in your hand.


Cutest version of Guacamole I have ever heard.

You even said: “Jessica” for the first time!

It was cute.

I thought mom was going to cry.

You are perfect.

I love you.


Your First Prayer

H, today is Martin Luther King Day.

I had to work, but mom was off, and she kept you home from school all day for fun.

I don’t think you got out of your Frozen princess dress all day.

And you know what happened?

You got your toenails painted for the first time!

It was adorable.

I came home and you wanted to show me your toes.

I looked down, and your toenails were pink!

You could not be cuter.

And then at dinner tonight you stunned us all.

I finished the prayer, and as soon as I was done, you asked if you could pray.

Your mom and I were smiling big as we bowed our heads with you.

You mumbled real soft and quiet for about ten seconds and then announced loudly:



I love you.
