Category Archives: H


How To Fall Asleep Fast

Love on your kids. 

H, laying you down tonight, we thought you were asleep, but you woke up as soon as mom walked out of the room.

I assured you that I had you and that everything was ok. 

You laid back down but soon were up asking for your water. 

And…mom had conveniently taken your water with her when she left… 

So, I quickly got up and got your drink from the fridge. 

On the way back, you met me at the door with:

“Oh. There it is.” 

Ten minutes later, after your third drink, you finally settled back down and rolled over with your back against my chest. 

I hugged you tight. And said:

“I love you so much.”

 You sucked your thumb and lay still.

And then I asked you three questions that I have been asking you off and on the last few months. 

I said:

“Do you know how much I love you?” 

I have asked this many times before but you have never really responded (you are 2 years, 3 months old). 

So after no response, I just say “I love you so much.” and give you a big squeeze. 

But tonight, with you snuggled against me, I asked:

“Do you know how much I love you?” 

Sucking your thumb, you nodded. 

I asked:

“Do you know I think you are perfect?”

You nodded again.

And finally, I asked:

“Do you know I love you no matter what you do?”

 You nodded a third time.

I squeezed you again and said:

“I love you so much.” 

You rolled over, played with my hair for a few minutes, and then fell asleep. 

I wanted to write this down while the story was fresh, but I bet I sleep like a baby, too. 

I love you. 



Play Hard. Laugh Hard.

Right now I am reading Max Lucado’s book, And The Angels Were Silent. 

In the chapter, “Uncluttered Faith” – he talks about the way his girls live. 

Their attitude is: 

Play hard, laugh hard, and leave the worries to your father.” 

H, you are the same way right now.

You do everything at 100% – and rely completely on us. 

You could not be more perfect. 

Don’t ever stop living like that! 

Isn’t that how we should all live? 

Play hard. Laugh hard. And leave the worries to Christ. 

I love you. 

— Dad


Rocking Babies To Sleep


Word of advice:

Rock your children whenever you get the chance.

And I just wanted to say thank you for this evening.

When your mom and I went to lay you down for bed tonight, you got up and asked me to come sit with you, and rock, in the rocking chair.

This typically entails an arm motion by you as you say “Lesgo Dada.”

You usually do this as a ploy to avoid sleeping. And because of this, you usually want to be rocked for about 30 seconds.

Tonight was different.

You let me rock you to sleep!

I can hardly remember the last time that that happened.

Suspiciously, you hardly ever ask mom to rock you (even for 30 seconds).

It would warm her heart if you asked her every now and again – but feel free to ask me again too.

I love you.
