Category Archives: H

Science Experience

H, you often come home and tell mom and I a story about science class.

It is, after all, one of your favorite classes.

For example, right now we get nearly daily updates on the chicken, duck, and quail eggs y’all are incubating. (6 days to go!)

When you give us your updates you will often refer to a “science experience” you did that day.

We know what you are saying.

You are talking about a “science experiment.”

But it’s too cute and too precious, and you are going to hear it right in a moment from some friend anyway – and an ounce more of my little baby girl is going to turn into a big kid.

So we don’t correct you.

We hug you and squeeze you and kiss you – and ask you if you want to tell us your story again.

I love you.


Picture Day Overalls

H, bug.

Today is picture day at school.

Leading up to it, mom was unsure about what she should get you to wear.

But we agreed to narrow it down to two or three different we were alright with, and let you decide.

You chose a green t-shirt to wear under a pair of blue-jean overalls.

You looked perfect.

When I dropped you off at school, however, you look a little bit insecure.

(Mom stayed home with a sick K – and T.)

I couldn’t tell if you were in awe of all the fancy dressed and done up hair of your friends who are always in uniform – or if you were self-conscious about not being quite as dressed up as many of your classmates.

So I made a point to praise you.

After you dropped off all your supplies in your room, I got down on one knee to kiss you and tell you to have a great day.

You planted a big-ole kiss on my lips and I hugged you tight.

When I did, I told you that I “loved-loved-loved” your outfit and that I thought you were absolutely beautiful.

And you know what? You are.

I love you.


Rude Kids

H, we saw some rude kids watching Trolls 2.

See, this last weekend we were back at the Hyatt Hill Country.

We went for Labor Day weekend.

Our second night there we went down to watch the movie they show on the lawn – but with weekend weddings and all, they moved it to a covered pavilion.

Mom and T were back in the room, and K had wanted to stay too. So it was just you and I.

We were a few minutes late, but got our blankets and found a spot down front on the right side of the screen.

All was well for the first half of the film, but then a loud girl (maybe 5) with two little friends got in between the projector and the screen.

They were talking and yelling and having a little dance party of their own.

It went on and on…

Finally, when you and I were whispering about how to say something to them, another lady in the crowd lost it.

She yelled with an ugly voice from a tired and bad place.

Whose kids are these?! This is ridiculous! The rest of us are trying to watch the movie too!!! Come get your children!


The girls all froze and disappeared to the back of the room..

You and I giggled, and then snuggled each other for the rest of the movie.

I love you.


P.S. The next night the evening movie was back on the lawn. And there were rude parents and children sitting beside us in the back. The kids were loud and the parents were loud and drunk. I am constantly surprised at the rudeness and selfishness people are capable of.