Category Archives: K

Mom Held You

T, welp, today was mom’s last day of maternity leave with you.

You don’t go to school tomorrow, but from 8 AM until mom gets home at lunch, it’s just you and me kid.

Of course then we’ll have lunch until 5 too.

Thankfully today was a lazy Sunday and mom held you plenty.

We got this!

I love you.


Breakfast Truth-bombs

K, so we were all getting ready for school this morning.

We were talking about the summer.

In the midst of the back and forth, you stopped what you were doing and said:

Why do the years just keep passing?

My little philosopher, dropping breakfast truth-bombs on all of us.


I have never agreed with you more.

I love you.


Sweetest Phase

K, you are just going through the sweetest phase right now.

Your manners are perfect, you are thoughtful about others, and you enjoying playing with a joyful heart.

You simply have the most pleasant disposition.

I want to just eat you up with kisses.

I love you.
