Category Archives: K

Park Today

It’s late – and I am tired.

We tried to go to the park today.

H, you wanted to walk to it. And K, you demanded to stay home in every shape and form.

Through tears and whining by nearly everyone involved, we settled on all driving to the park together.

H, you and mom got out and played for a bit. K, you and I stayed in the car and watched movies on my phone.

We are all just tired, I think.

Work stress, school, baby on the way…

Ok. I have to go to sleep.

I love you.


Held Your Hair

Yesterday I was planning on skipping work and being in Midland today.

Mom had to work, so I was planning on taking both you girls to one last allergy updose before T gets here.

But H, you came home with as stomach ache and threw up shortly after dinner while taking your OIT dose.

I walked you to the kitchen sink as you started to gag, and held your hair back until mom came to help.

You had a little fever after that, so all of us stayed home today while mom worked.

It was honestly a nice reprieve from our usual hustle and bustle.

We lounged around and watched TV all day and never left the house.

Thankfully, H, you were feeling much better by dinner.

I love you.



K, when you say “Snoopy” it is absolute perfection.

(You know, Charlie Brown and Snoopy…)


Because when you say it, it comes out as “Snoofy.”


You are perfect.

And I desperately love you.

I love you.
