Category Archives: K


It was a good day today.

Mom and I woke up early (not too early, don’t be silly) and drove to Seminole to get you two.

Y’all had spent the night with Pop and Gammies and your cousins, because we celebrated Christmas with them yesterday.

You were both tired from staying up late.

We played Go-Fish around the kitchen table and then had lasagna for lunch. The Daves left after lunch and we left around 3:30.

Mom and I were dragging too, but we made it to church and got to see Josh Wilson perform the last show of his 2019 Noel tour. (Josh Wilson is the son of our senior pastor David Wilson.)

A guy named Jordan St Cyr opened the show.

The whole thing made me nostalgic about the holidays that seems to be increasing with age and children.

I am just so thankful to be this little part of God’s plan, and I am so happy that I got to do most of it with you.

I love you.


Kitchen Table Together

K, H had a field trip today.

It lasted almost all day.

Since mom volunteered to be a chaperone for it, the coming trip was a hot topic of discussion last night at the dinner table.

And, I mean, who can blame H?

She was excited to go.

You were feeling a bit left out of it all…

So I picked you up today for a lunch date just after 11:00.

I was planning on taking you for pizza but I gave you the choice.

Rather than pizza, you wanted to get Wendy’s drive-thru and eat at home.

So we did.

We sat at the kitchen table together and shared your chicken and fries while we watched Incredibles 2 on my phone.

I’m so glad I got to spend that hour and half hanging out with you, even if I had to do a few chores toward the end there…

I love you.


Manage To Say

There once was a time when the two worst words you knew were “butt” and “hate.”

We explained simply that both were rude version of words with much better alternatives.

You both know we don’t say butt and we don’t say hate, but you still manage to say them both all the time.

This is how an actual conversation sometimes goes, often in the car.

K: We don’t say butt.

H: K! You said butt!

K: We don’t say hate.

H: Yeah, we don’t say butt or hate. Oh, great! Now I said butt and hate!

K: Stop H. We don’t say butt or hate.

H: K! Stop! Now you said butt and hate too!

Dad: Girls. Stop saying butt and hate, please?

K: We don’t say butt or hate.

H: K! Stop saying butt and hate over and over. Oh no. I said butt and hate again.

Dad: Girls. Stop talking.

K: (whispering) We don’t say butt. And we don’t say hate.

H: Dad! She did it again!

Even incorrect uses are sometimes called out.

I mean, I once gave a five minute explanation on the difference between “butt” and “but.”

Y’all are perfect. I just love the innocence of it all.

I love you.
