Category Archives: K

Dueling Notebooks

Dueling Notebooks At Our House

H and K, Y’all have been walking around the house the last week with dueling notebooks.

H, it all started when you got a new notebook as a birthday present.

Pink, with a fuzzy cloth cover, and a medallion of a unicorn on the end of the bookmark, is about all a 5-year-old girl can ask for in a notebook, I guess.

But then, of course, it did not take long before K saw it.

And she immediately needed one too.

We quickly found one of H’s old discarded notebooks – featuring Anna and Elsa from Frozen on the cover – and offered it.

K, you were thrilled and so proud.

It has been perfect.

My two little artists walking around the house with their notebooks – pens and pencils scratching away.

Y’all are perfect.

Y’all are beautiful.

I love you.




K, you love your “buller.”

You mean “butter,” of course.

But you say it “buller.”

You are going through that phase that every kid goes through, where you can eat literally eat butter by the spoonful.

And you do.

I say that, but H can still do the same thing.

We made waffles the other day and you ate nothing but the butter off the top.

By the time we were almost done, you were eating it off the end of the butter knife.

Frankly, I can’t believe you like butter even more than the syrup.

You are especially on a “butter and tortilla” kick right now.

“Torta and buller.”

We about make a meal out of it every time we go to On The Border.

You are perfect in every way.

And my word, you are adorable with your pigtails.

I’ll see you in 15 minutes.

I love you.


Please Cut It

Please Cut It

K, I have some stubble on my face and you want me to please cut it.

It started in Corpus.

We had finished swimming and I bent down to kiss you while we were laughing and playing.

When I did you gave me an ugly look, reached up, swiped the palm of your hand across my cheek, and said:

Cut it.

I thought you were teasing me, but you said it again.

Admittedly, I had forgotten both my razor and trimmer and was more prickly than usual.

But you have repeated this two to three times a day since we have been back home.

And I have trimmed it!

It’s like you are demanding I shave it down to a smooth babyface.

I love you.
