Category Archives: K

No More Timeouts

No More Timeouts For You

K, you keep putting yourself in timeouts.

I saw you do it for the first time a few weeks ago.

You were doing something, and mom told you to stop.

In your sweet little voice you said:


We said “No. No timeout.”

But that you needed to stop what you were doing.

Satisfied, you said:


With that, you walked over to the wall, left of our bedroom door, and stood.

You put your back against the wall and looked down at the floor.

In a few seconds, you looked up and smiled as soon as we made eye contact.

Silly girl.

I love you.


First Pigtails

First Pigtails

K Mamas, you came home from school yesterday with your first pigtails in your hair.

You were absolutely adorable, if you want to know the truth.

And so proud to show them off.

But there was an issue.

See, as we were all getting ready for bed, mom tried to take them out.

I was not in the room at the time, but she said you cried giant crocodile tears.

Since it seemed so important, we let you sleep with your hair like that and you were just as happy as can be.

You are beautiful and perfect.

I love you.


We Have A Huge Disney Fear

We Have A Huge Disney Fear

Mom and I have a Disney fear.

Let me back up to explain.

We went and saw the Easter bunny awhile back.

K, you handled it like a champ.

But H, you look at the guy in the Easter bunny suit with more and more suspicion each time we go.

I suppose it’s a natural part of growing up.

This time, you thought we were going to see an actual “bunny” – but before we left, mom clarified it was a guy in a suit.

There was excitement in the anticipation of going, but after we got there, we could see the wheels turning in your head.

I felt like I could nearly read your mind:

“That Easter bunny looks like a poorly paid guy with a rabbit head on, awkwardly wearing a cheap suit.”

At one point you even said, “He looks kind of wierd.”

So, the point is this.

We are going to Disney World in October and are a little afraid that most of the magic will be gone.

H, Disneyland captivated you when you were 3.

And I know we will all have fun no matter what.

But it feels like you are a heartbeat away from simply shrugging at being in a commercialized theme park.

And heaven forbid something is said aloud.

K will be like:

“Oh, yeah. I see it. I knew something was off.”

Mom would have a heart attack.


You girls make me laugh every day.

I love you.
