Category Archives: K

Hair Up

Hair Up

K, you have your cow-licked hair up on the left side every morning.

This had gotten ridiculous.

At first, it was silly and cute.

And then it started happening every day!

We would come and get you out of your crib.

You are so happy to see us when we do.

The lamp is flipped on.

And then we see that an entire swath of your hair on the left side is sticking straight up in the air!

If mom is not home, I am usually in a hurry and end up sending you to school like that.

My beautiful girl.

I love you.




K, in the last few weeks, you have started saying H’s name as “Parper.”

You will start looking for her.

Or, sometimes you are following her.

And then with such a soft and gentle voice, you say “Parper.”

At least that is how mom hears it.

I hear more of a B sound.


Your vocabulary is just exploding.

Just over the last few weeks, I have heard:

“Lion, Pop-Pop, Cracker, Color, Hot, Dog, Poo-poo.”

Oh yeah.

That should almost be another post:

When you have one, and I ask you if you have one, you will gently pat your bottom and say “poo-poo.”

My perfect girl learning to talk.

I love you.

— Dad

Lie Lie, The Lion

Lie Lie, The Lion

K, you have taken to saying “Lie Lie” at least a few times a day.

Nothing about lying, or telling the truth though.

You are learning to say “Lion.”

See, we watched the intro to The Lion King the other day.

Quickly, it has become your favorite thing to watch on TV.

Ok, it is not your favorite thing on TV.

It is the ONLY thing you are remotely interested in on TV.

You point at the TV at least once per day and say with the sweetest little voice:

“Lie lie?”

What can I say?

You are right.

It is an epic movie intro.

My girl.

I love you.
