Category Archives: K

So Incredibly Thankful For Grace And Mercy

Incredibly Thankful For Grace And Mercy

I am so incredibly thankful for something that happened over this last Thanksgivingving weekend.

This might sound melodramatic, but I am serious.

It shook me about the possibility of it all.

I am thankful that K didn’t die.

See we were in Kerrville and everyone was downstairs in the kitchen with Grandma and Grandpa.

It was so inconsequential, I don’t even remember what we were doing – but mom and I turned around for maybe sixty seconds while, H and K, you both played between the kitchen table and downstairs bathroom.

We let our attention wander with the simple directive of:

“H, watch K for a second.”

A minute later, I hear only silence and run around the corner to check on you two.

You were both gone and I went farther around the corner to investigate.

We found you both halfway up the staircase to the second floor.

K, you are still learning to walk, but you managed to army-crawl halfway up the stairs!

And H thought she was being such a good sister staying just ahead of you and cheering you on!

I mean, hardwood stairs, a tile floor at the bottom, and an unsteady one-year-old nearly 7 feet up off the ground…

I nearly freaked by the time I rescued the situation.

In a ridiculous act of parenting, I asked H:

“I thought you were watching her?”

H responded:

“I was. She was doing awesome!”

I love you.




Let’s go to Kennebunkport.

Do you want to?

Maybe it will be fall when we go.

The leaves might be turning, and the cold wind from the North Atlantic will blow our hair back as we stand on the coast and look towards Nova Scotia.

I hope we do that.

But I am writing to confess.

The nicknames are out of control. Again.

K, we have taken to calling you “Kennebunkport” here and there.

In my head, it’s more of a: “Kenny-bung-port.”

And we don’t just say it.

It comes out sounding more like a song, or chant.

My Kenny-bunk-port! My Kenny-bunk-port! My Kenny-bunk-port!

We are ridiculous.

I know this.

We are all so glad you came to join us.

I love you.



This Is How You Have A Baby

This Is How You Have A Baby

H, this last weekend, you explained to your older cousins how to have a baby.

They were in town for K’s baby dedication at church and birthday party.

I know, I know.

Ky, your birthday was 30 days ago.

But it was the only weekend we could round everyone up and do your dedication at the same time…

Nevertheless, as all the children were hunched over hurried plates of spaghetti, you announced it.

“If my mom wants another baby, she just has to poop in her wedding dress.”

I did not hear you say this firsthand, but I hear that the laughter exploded.

And at the age of 4 – well that’s close enough.

We can talk about the specifics later.


I love you.
