For Halloween, we had a strawberry and almost a wolf.
We went to trunk-or-treat at church this last weekend to celebrate.
Quite simply K, you were a strawberry.
You were happy, excited to be with us at every turn, and even tolerated the cold air like a trained soldier.
You were adorable.
And H, you insisted on being a wolf this year.
We got you a costume, and a few week ago trying it on about scared K to death after you dropped to your knees wearing it and growled at her.
She cried so hard.
So Halloween got here and just before we went outside to take pictures, H you had a meltdown.
Well, we managed to make it through pictures eventually and finally got everyone in the car.
We made it to church just in time, and in the parking lot H, you refused to wear your wolf costume.

“I just want my coat.” you cried.
So you left your wolf costume in the car and wore your coat, while I pushed K in the stroller.
We stopped and got candy at 4 cars, hopped through the bounce houses, and finally got hotdogs and ate them on the steps of the church by the sidewalk and playground.
We were done in 20 minutes.
Pop and Gammies were in town, so they came by after that to get K out of the cold and feed her dinner.
H, you stayed with us while mom and I passed out candy with our Sunday school class.
Your hand was in the candy bucket nearly the entire time.
I love you girls.
You are both perfect in every way.
I love you.