Category Archives: Potpourri

Deposition Day

Well, it’s deposition day.

Mom’s deposition for that pesky lawsuit starts in 3 minutes as I type this.

Lots of stress and anxiety leading up to it around this house, but you know what?

She’s going to do fine.


Because while I loathe work/life stress – mom is amazing under pressure.

I told her I would fast and pray for her until I saw her again tonight, but that’s also for my waistline. 🤣

Let’s just say indulged a little bit on Thanksgiving this year.

And I may or may not have eaten 1/3 of a pie last night at 11PM…

We got this.

I love you.


Forced Us Out

I don’t really have time for a long blog post today.

But I snuggled you all awake this morning and it was the best ever…

We even all piled in H’s bed and hugged and laughed before the day forced us out.

I love you.


All Morning

It rained all morning which matched my melancholy.

To be honest, I just wanted to go back to bed and spend the rest of the day on the couch with a book.

But the internet is not going to win itself.

And the gym won’t work out by itself either.

Mom pried us out of bed this morning to go to All Pro Dad’s. We had to be at school early, but I think everyone liked doing something different.

Maybe I’ll post about that tomorrow.

I love you.
