Category Archives: Potpourri

The Steps to Contentment, Sermon Notes

Title: The Steps to Contentment
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 18 February 2024
Verse: Philippians 4:10-12

I. Rejoicing in the Sufficiency of God’s Care (10)  

II. Realizing the Source of Man’s Contentment (11-12)
A.   In Christ, Not in Our Situations (Circumstances) (11)
B.   In Christ, Not in Our Substance (Materialism) (12)
C.   In Christ, Not in Our Social Life (Friendship) (11) 

Turning 43

Wrote this, but forgot to post this.

Turning 43 was no biggie!

No biggie at all.

Easy peasy.


I teared up on the way to school listening to King Of Kings.

And then I teared up again in Wednesday chapel listening to Kindergarten do a little bit on Psalm 139.

I’m sure I’ll get less emotional as the years go by – no worries. 🤣

I love you.


Next 10 Years

Tomorrow is my birthday (43).

I suppose because the day has been fast approaching the last few weeks, I can’t get the thought of the next 10 years out of my head.

The changes likely coming are so large it’s hard to wrap my head around.

For one, I will be 53. 😳

Mom would be 51.

Second, I have these little kitties who are 10 years old, 7 years old, and 3 years old.

And in 10 years y’all will be 20, 17, and 13!

Who knows where our careers and jobs will be…

Hopefully, I will work for myself somewhere/somehow – but who knows if that will ever happen.

I think my young and naive dreams of owning a hedge fund are slowly slipping away. 🤣

What kind of dog will we have in 10 years? (Huck will be gone too…)

Will we live in a different house?

Will I feel like I have more downtime?

Soberingly, I will likely lose one or both of my parents.

I am not even sure how to start processing that as a son, if you want to know the truth.

I know it’s a natural thing – but it feels so unfair – like something broken from which the pieces will never fit back together properly.

It’s something that just devastates that 10-year-old me somewhere still in there.

Maybe that’s what large losses are supposed to feel like this side of heaven…

The long and short of it is that all we get is one day at a time.

Anyway, I am so glad I get to share all of it with you.

H, K. T, I am proud of you every single day.

These next 10 years, let’s take more vacations together, spend more time on the couch, sleep in a little more, more movies, more books, more walks, let’s sing together more, swim a little more (pools only🤣), and pray together every day.


I love you.

I love you forever.
