Category Archives: Potpourri

Living With a “Can’t Lose” Attitude, Sermon Notes

Title: Living With a “Can’t Lose” Attitude
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 8 October 2023
Verse: Philippians 1:19-26

Living With a “Can’t Lose” Attitude 

I. A “Can’t Lose” Attitude includes Confident Assurance (19-20)
A.     Supplication of the Saints
B.     Supply of the Spirit

II. A “Can’t Lose” Attitude involves a Committed Approach (21-23)
A.     His Confident Declaration (21)
1.      Jesus is the Initiator
2.     Jesus is the Ideal
3.     Jesus is the Inspiration
B.     His Conflicting Desire (22-23)

III. A “Can’t Lose” Attitude has a Continued Awareness (24-26)

Chapel Made

Chapel made me sad today.

It’s because this last year, Southcrest moved 5th grade to the new campus.

So – as H is in 4th grade now – she will be at the new campus next year.

This means that, as T starts Pre-K, H will be gone and will no longer get to come to chapel with us.

All this to say:

There are very few times left that all five of us will be sitting together in chapel at the secondary campus.

I know, I know.

I’m just trying to enjoy the moment.

Y’all growing up is sad and beautiful at the same time. 😢

I love you.


Rumbling Thunder

We slept to a rumbling thunder all night last night.

Three different lines of thunderstorms hit us as the hours passed.

You could hear the rain come down in buckets at times.

The rain would let up here and there, and then you could hear the wind, bending the trees.

The thunder shifted back and forth between distant rumbling and popping and cracking over our heads.

The rain had not stopped one bit by the time we needed to leave for school.

There were a lot of girls squealing as I held the umbrella for each of you on our way to the car.

We all got wet.

I love you.
