Category Archives: Potpourri

Was Cranky

It was a good day.

But I’m glad it’s over. 🤣

I was cranky. Mom was cranky. All of you kids were cranky.

Nobody had any grace for anyone else. Nobody could be empathetic for half a second.

Nobody could stop talking and walk away.

None of you kids could take an order.

I love you though.

Even on days like this.

Especially on days like this.

I love you.


That’s Lubbock

It was a good day.

I mean, I had a fever and body ache this morning and we missed church, but it’s fine.

It’s fine.

H, you had Sierra’s birthday party at Blazing Bouncers.

K, you had a go-away party for Mabry, a girl in your class moving to Tennessee.

Had a super gross sandstorm this evening.

But what are you gonna do?

That’s Lubbock every now and again.

I love you.


Ear-piercing Concert

Southcrest Christmas program was tonight.

I’ll have to go back and try to find out who the two guest singers were that sang with the church choir doing backup.

H and K, y’all sat on the edge of your seats in wonder at the grandness of it all.

K, you eventually slumped to the side and fell asleep in mom’s lap.

T, you slept curled in my lap nearly the entire show.

It’s funny how kids can wake to the slightest sounds at home – but sleep peacefully through an ear-piercing concert. 🤣

I love you.
