Category Archives: T

Learned To Clap

T, the past few weeks you have learned to clap!

You do it when one of us starts first, when you hear music, or when you get excited about something.

If I had to guess, you first got enamored by clapping when H and I put on a little clapping show for you after dinner one night.

H was clapping and singing while I was clapping at twice her tempo and tapping along with my foot.

You looked like we had given you a surprise.

Seems like we are always singing and dancing about something…

We may not be super talented, but we’re a musical bunch, if you want to know the truth.

Anyway, I love the way that your face lights up with the joy of the moment.

I love you.


Glad It Was You

T, in the last few weeks I feel like you have grown up a year.

You were this perfect little girl who finally mastered sitting up straight.

If you wanted to get somewhere you would do the worm and roll on the floor.

And you had this beautiful – infectious – gummy smile.

Short story: We have found your first baby tooth coming in. And then two more teeth too.

If that is not enough, you have also started crawling.

I don’t mean worming and rolling better – I mean legit crawling from one side of the house to the other.

You look more like a two-year-old than our newborn baby.

Honestly, I am sad the period of life with new-born babies around this house is over.

I will likely have no more children make squirmy noises, or rollover for the first time.

But there’s a time for everything.

And I’m glad it was you.

I love you.


You Said Dada

T, bringing it home for me!

Whoot. Whoot.

Your first word is “dada!”

Admittedly, you first mumbled it a few weeks ago.

But now you celebrate it.

It’s your babble and response to nearly everything. Ha.

“Dad” was K’s first word too (but not H’s)!

I have to be careful though…

I hear mom occasionally reads these posts too.

And she wants you to say “mama” so bad!

I love you.
