Category Archives: T

You Said Dada

T, bringing it home for me!

Whoot. Whoot.

Your first word is “dada!”

Admittedly, you first mumbled it a few weeks ago.

But now you celebrate it.

It’s your babble and response to nearly everything. Ha.

“Dad” was K’s first word too (but not H’s)!

I have to be careful though…

I hear mom occasionally reads these posts too.

And she wants you to say “mama” so bad!

I love you.


Put Me In Coach

T, you have this look in your heart.

Mom and I joke that it echoes the main thing that you are often thinking:

Put me in coach!

See, you can sit up – but you can not crawl or walk or talk yet.

No matter.

When you watch your sisters play you have this look in your eye like all you want in the world is to join them.

You act like you would run off with them horse-playing, laughing, and falling all over each other, in the other room if we would only allow you to.

You look at your sisters in awe that warms my heart.

I love you.


Lip Smacking

T, you have absolutely got lip smacking down.

It’s your new thing.

And you have a good three weeks practice at this point.

You will pop you lips together and smack them apart over and over.

Now and then, you will get your tongue in there too and pop your lips around your tongue as you open your mouth.

It feels like we are having a conversation when we smack and pop back and forth looking at each other

I love you.
