Category Archives: T

20 Days

T, we have 20 days until you are here.

And the house is buzzing with anticipation.

Mom frets about keeping the house straight and making sure your room is just right.

H, is ready to teach you everything she knows and rock you in the big brown chair.

K, is stoked about becoming a big sister and has said she will sing you lullabies when you fuss.

And I am trying to encourage and calm everyone the best that I can.

We are ready for you.

I love you already.

And I can’t wait to kiss your sweet face.


Wrangle You

K, last night reading books you were just the sweetest thing.

You and H were wild and crazy after baths and it was all we could do to lotion you two up and wrangle you into your pajamas.

Afterward, mom and I could barely even calm y’all down enough to read books.

During the thrashing, you bumped into mom’s stomach and I (mostly joking) asked you to apologize to your little sister.

Your voice immediately became gentle and sweet as you got down and talked to mom’s stomach:

I’m sorry baby sister. I love you.

My heart.

I wish I could bottle all this up.

I love you.


Having A Girl

Mom and I have a voicemail from the doctor’s office that we waited until today to listen to.

We dropped you kids off at church Crest Care, hit the Raising Cane’s drive-thru on the way home and listened to the voicemail at the kitchen table just before we ate.

We are having a girl!


Three girls in our family!

Mom and I were supposed to watch movies for the next few hours to relax, but mom was (apparently) all keyed up about it, and she fell asleep on the couch ten minutes later.

I can’t wait to meet our new addition!

I love you.
