Category Archives: T

Under One

I love Friday’s.

As it turns out though – this is my last Friday night with a child under the age of one!

I am trying not to have a meltdown…

It breaks my heart that the last year has gone by so fast!

T, I just adore you.

Your perfect chubby arms. Your toothy little smile. How you kick and spur your feet when you are excited. The way your face lights up around your sisters. The way you have started pointing and squawking when you want something. And how you clap and sing with us when we all start acting crazy.

I think my favorite is when you fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.

Your birthday party is tomorrow – but your official birthday is not for three more days.

You have long been asleep tonight.

But I wanted to mark this day.

I love you.


No Other People

T, funny story.

Last week was your first full week of school.

Your first birthday is next week – so that’s just nuts.

I mean, you stayed at home, while mom worked from home, for almost an entire year!

Picking you up the other day, mom asked one of your teachers how everything was going.

The teacher said you were “still adjusting” but that all was well.

And then she said:

She does not like other people in her space…


I can just still see you not trusting your teachers yet and completely skeptical of the other babies.

My little girl.

You are gonna have a beautiful life.

I love you.


Patting Things All Over

Ok, T.

This is getting a little ridiculous.

I mean, you are so cute that it’s hard to not laugh and gush…

But you have taken to picking up and patting things all over the house.

We were putting things back together from the flood awhile back and you picked up a TV cable, laid it over your shoulder, and patted it like a baby.

The next day you even did it with a magnetic toy block!

You are so beautiful and sweet.

We can get you some more dolls to pat if you need them.

We actually have more than we need – but I got you.

I love you.
