Church Golf Carts

H and K, you and I went to church today without mom and T.

T had a little bit of fever – and mom had a touch of stomach bug.

Anyway, I wanted to take a second and point out the rides we take every week in the church golf carts.

We always park in the far back lot against the west fence.

It’s a good hundred yards or so back to the church, but I enjoy the walk.

With that size parking lot, the church provides a golf cart service to shuttle people from their cars up to the nearest doors.

So as we park, there are always half a dozen retirement age volunteers roaming the lot in golf carts, looking for arriving cars.

Let me tell you: You girls live for these morning golf cart rides.

So they come to get us and we all sit wherever we happen to jump on.

H you and I have taken to sitting on the backward-facing back bench the last few times.

But here is the thing.

K, you always sit in the front passenger seat beside the driver. Always.

And you always ask half a dozen questions in the brief time you are there.

It is so cute and so sweet.

Those old men with granddaughters of their own just love talking to you.

I hope you are blessing their day half as much as you bless mine.

I love you.
