Complete Ham

I have the most silly/sassy girls.

Last night we all went to church for H’s Christmas program rehearsal.

We ate Abuelo’s on the way there and opened the front door of the church to the roaring sound of children.

H joined her class.

And we milled around with other family members waiting for the Wednesday night service to finish. K, you found Kendall and Luke and ran to them to say hi.

Kendall was sweet and introduced you to her friends while Luke stood back and played too-cool-for-school.

H, you did wonderful.

Delightfully, you also had some of the silliest gestures I have ever seen. You exaggerated the words a few times in the intro and even threw in a few hand motions for good measure.

And K!

You were a complete ham out in the audience. You were all over me standing in the chair beside me. You frequently kissed me, clapped your hands, hugged my neck, jumped on mom, and sang along to every word you knew.

Ya’ll are silly and perfect.

I love you.


Actual footage of H during rehearsal:

Actual footage of K during rehearsal: