Cool Seven Hours

It was all swimming all day long with your cousins today.

Honestly I feel like I spent half the day back and forth trying to find out who was with who, was headed where, and needed what.

After a cool seven hours of swimming, we all ordered Double Dave’s pizza and ate dinner in the lobby in front of the little store.

The sky opened up a little while later and it began pouring rain on us while we were at the s’mores station roasting marshmallows.

Consequently, the movie on the lawn (Trolls 2) got moved inside to one of the large conference rooms.

K, you fell asleep on the floor before it ended.

I don’t think I can keep this schedule up.

And judging by your tired eyes – I don’t think you girls can either.

Let’s work less and take more vacations. Ok?

I love you.
