How Those Cows Fart

How Those Cows Fart

H, oh my word, let me tell you how cows fart.

See, driving to Ruidoso we had the most ridiculous conversation ever.

I thought mom was gonna die laughing.

It started when we drove past a field full of grazing cows.

And ended with me not understanding what you said.

Me: “I’m gonna put you in that pasture with those cows?”

You: “You mean me?!”

Me: “Yes you.”

You: “Am I going to farm them?”

Me: “Yes, they’re going to fart you!”

Somehow I thought you were asking if they were going to fart on you and I was just trying to sass you back.

You looked at me like I had lost my mind.

I haven’t.

But I might need my ears checked.

I love you.
