Cracker? Anyone? Anyone At All?

Cracker? Anyone? Anyone At All?

K, my perfect little girl.

We gave you the word “dog” because of that phase that you went through saying dog over and over.

Well, now you get the word cracker too.

Enter, the cracker phase.

You ask for a Town House cracker no less than 10 times per day.

I mean, it is not uncommon on a Saturday for you to have eaten 7 crackers by the time we get ready to sit down for breakfast.

And half the time they are out – well, of course, everyone else wants a few crackers too.

You are so animated and sweet right now.

Leaning over to hug and kiss us, when you think the situation calls for it.

My Kenny.

I love you forever.

You are even doing this thing – and I have no idea where you got it – where you chase us with your arms out behind you.

To do it, you bend over slightly at the waist and extend your arms straight out behind you.

So – yeah – we started doing it too and chasing you back.

You love it.

I love you.
