Crap Week

I got virtually nothing posted here this last week.

I have no excuse other than it was a completely crap week.

To put it bluntly: Mom had the single worst week of her entire professional career.

The four main points I can share are these:

  • A potentially career changing deal came mom’s way.
  • She did every single thing along the way professionally and perfectly.
  • Against mom’s advice, and her boss’s advice, the bank’s senior executives turned down the entire deal.
  • This decision put the would-have-been new customer in an bad business position.

Mom and I were both livid about the unfairness of it all week long.

I have no problems with being sad and angry and tired and hurt.

These are all natural human feelings.

But at the end of it all, we have got to look at pain and suffering for what it is: A chance to grow and lean on the sovereignty of God.

Scream and ugly cry like we did this week.

Sleep in for a few days if you can. Have a pint of ice-cream and a few glasses of wine. Take a long hot shower.

And then come home.

I love you.


For more on pain and suffering, I hope you read: Why Suffering? By: Ravi Zacharias.