
Crayon? Wait. What Did You Say?

Did you say crayon? I didn’t hear you.”

H, you are so silly and wonderful right now.

Sure, it is in nearly everything you do.

But it is also in what you say.

You did have a meltdown this morning before school, but that is not even a story worth telling, I say.

Everyone has both bad and good days.

That said, you are going through, another, dress-up phase right now.

It’s princesses galore in our house.

So a few days ago, you are searching from one end of the house to the other.

Where is my crayon?!

I looked for a crayon with you for ten minutes before you triumphantly held out your dress-up princess crown and exclaimed: “I found it!”

You were looking for a crown the whole time.

I wish I had been looking for a crown too!

I love you.
