Dangerous And Difficult Days, Sermon Notes

Title: Dangerous And Difficult Days
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 7 May 2023
Verse: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

I. The certainty and climate of the last days (1)

II. The characteristics of the last days (2-7)
A. Distorted devotion (2A, 4B)
1. Lovers of self (2A)
2. Lovers of money (2B)
3. Lovers of pleasure (4B)

B. Collapsing character (2C, 3B-4A)
1. Boasters
2. Proud
3. Revilers (Blasphemers)
4. Unthankful
5. Gross indecency (Unholy)
6. Unforgiving
7. Malicious gossips (Slanderers) (3B)
8. Without self control
9. Brutal
10. Despisers of good
11. Traitors
12. Reckless (Headstrong)
13. Conceited (Haughty)

C. Failing families (2C, 3A)
1. Disobedient to parents
2. Unloving

D. Counterfeit churches (5A, 6-7)

III. The counsel for the last days (5B)