We Have A Huge Disney Fear

We Have A Huge Disney Fear

Mom and I have a Disney fear.

Let me back up to explain.

We went and saw the Easter bunny awhile back.

K, you handled it like a champ.

But H, you look at the guy in the Easter bunny suit with more and more suspicion each time we go.

I suppose it’s a natural part of growing up.

This time, you thought we were going to see an actual “bunny” – but before we left, mom clarified it was a guy in a suit.

There was excitement in the anticipation of going, but after we got there, we could see the wheels turning in your head.

I felt like I could nearly read your mind:

“That Easter bunny looks like a poorly paid guy with a rabbit head on, awkwardly wearing a cheap suit.”

At one point you even said, “He looks kind of wierd.”

So, the point is this.

We are going to Disney World in October and are a little afraid that most of the magic will be gone.

H, Disneyland captivated you when you were 3.

And I know we will all have fun no matter what.

But it feels like you are a heartbeat away from simply shrugging at being in a commercialized theme park.

And heaven forbid something is said aloud.

K will be like:

“Oh, yeah. I see it. I knew something was off.”

Mom would have a heart attack.


You girls make me laugh every day.

I love you.
