Dove Rescue

Girls, Operation Dove Rescue was a success.

We rescued a baby dove this last week!

I got you all home from school, and as I was letting Huck out, I saw a blue jay pecking at the ground in the backyard.

I know what those awful things are capable of so I ran to see what it was after.

Sure enough, I found a baby bird too young to fly.

Soon, I discovered its nest in the tree above, about 12 feet high.

Ugh, thank goodness we got there before the blue jay ate it or hurt it beyond mend.

You girls quickly knew something was up and were all soon standing guard around the baby who was snuggled low in the grass.

Y’all named the bird “Fluffy.”

Mom came home soon after and asked to borrow a ladder from Ms. Frida.

I crawled the ladder, bent the branch down where I could reach the nest, and gently put the bird back in.

There were two other baby birds in there too!

Honestly, I didn’t think we would pull it off.

You three were happy to have helped – but also torn because you all wanted to keep the bird too. 🤣

I felt like I did my good deed for the week, maybe the month.

I love you.
