Drive-thru Graduation

H, you are officially done with kindergarten!

After I got home from work at noon we ate lunch and went to your school for a drive-thru graduation parade.

We followed a long line of other cars, occasionally spilling out parents and students as it went, that slowly zig-zagged through the parking lot to each classroom teacher station.

At each stop we said hi to the teachers we knew and told them to have a good summer.

At Ms. Long’s stop we dropped off our last few assignments and picked up your diploma.

It was hot out and we were glad to finally have the car windows rolled up by the time we were finished.

K, you had a funny look on your face towards the end of it and when I asked what was wrong you listlessly replied:

I’m hot.

When we were done we stopped at Craig’s house around the corner and said hi to him too. His wife came outside with their two dogs and we all ended up in their front-yard talking, and all hot again.

On the way home we stopped by Rock Solid to get H’s info and bag for summer camp. H, I am very hopeful that you enjoy it there this summer.

Tonight we read a chapter in The Way Of The Warrior Kid.

Right now I am reading Grace (Eventually), By: Anne Lamott.

I love you.
