Emotional Gravity

We had a quiet Saturday today.

You girls slept on the air mattress in the living room last night and woke up early this morning. I heard you both whispering with mom in the dark when I got up to use the restroom.

We lounged around in our pajamas, played, and drank coffee until lunchtime.

Then we enjoyed one last Saturday lunch at Abuelo’s as a family of four.

When we got home we did a few chores and all fell asleep in the mid afternoon.

T, K absolutely insisted we bake you a cake today. So we did. It had strawberry icing and K and H enjoyed putting way too many sprinkles on top.

We ended the day with family movie night where we ate Double Dave’s Pizza and watched Babe (about the pig) on HBO.

All that said, it was a day with something in that air that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Mom was emotional, I was listless, and you girls were a bit grumpy and rebellious.

If I had to guess, the emotional gravity of T coming in less than 48 hours is hitting all of us.

I hope we sleep like hibernating bears tonight.

I love you.
