You Made Everyone Laugh Last Night

You Made Everyone Laugh Last Night

H, you made everyone laugh last night at church.

We were at Awanas because that is what we do on Wednesdays.

One of the activities for this year is choir.

It’s nothing too crazy.

They play a few songs and we all try to sing and dance around with a lot of hand motions.

Our class doesn’t even get there till 6:45.

And by then, the 3-4-year-olds are so tired the participation rate is about 25 percent.

I said all that to say this: The choir teacher has a little girl that is in your class.

And last night you played with the daughter a little bit on the playground.

Fast-forward to parents picking up their kids 30 minutes later.

Everyone is going and coming – coming and going – and suddenly the choir teacher shows up to pick up your new friend.

Your face froze.

You got up from your chair, walked to the classroom door for a better look, asked four adults to stop what they were doing, and announced:

How is the choir teacher your mom?!

You made everyone laugh so hard.

I love you.
