Family Time

Ok, I need to be posting more here.

My goal is to post everyday, but I feel like I am falling further and further behind.

The truth is that this coronavirus had got us down a little bit.

Mom is on maternity leave. We are adjusting to a new baby. (We love you T!) I am working from home. Everything but restaurant drive-thrus and grocery stores are closed. We have not eaten out in two weeks. School is closed too, so we are doing “distance learning” from home. We go to bed late and get up later. Nobody know what meal it is. We are even watching church services online as our preacher speaks to an empty auditorium every Sunday morning.

I mean, we can’t even get away from each other, because there is nowhere to go.

What we are living seems like a dream.

All there is to do is lean on God and his sovereignty.

I take comfort in that: God is God – and I am not.

I will post more frequently.

I must.

For this is family time, in quantities that I never thought possible.

All it took was a global pandemic.

I love you.
