Feel Awful

Well, this weekend was rough.

Ugh. Today was rough too.

T, you are sick as a dog.

You started throwing up just before church on Sunday, and literally threw up off and on all day.

You had an ear infection, a fever, and (I am convinced) maybe a virus too.

You just want to be held.

Mom held you on Sunday morning while I took H and K to church. And then in the afternoon, I held you while mom and Leandra took Hannah, H, and K to the movies.

At least you stopped throwing up Sunday night.

Gramms held you today while mom and I went to H and K’s Christmas parties.

But you can tell that you still feel awful.

I can’t imagine how dehydrated you got there for a bit…

Your fussing again now, so I better go get you. Hope it’s not a long night!

I love you.
