First Day In Bakersfield

I made it through my first day in Bakersfield.

I’m gonna be gone for 2 weeks!

Kind of can’t believe it…

First I had a 10 AM flight from Lubbock to Phoenix and then a 3:30 PM flight from Lubbock to Bakersfield.

Arizona and California are two hours behind Texas though.

So it was a five and a half hour layover for me.

(Crazy I lived in PHX for three years as a child.)

The CEO, who lives in Phoenix, flew with me the last leg and will be in town till Wednesday.

He is staying at the same hotel too so we went out to dinner tonight at Frugatti’s (Italian).

Showers for me, and I’m tired now.

Its 9:40 here but the means it’s nearly midnight where you are.

Big day tomorrow.

I love you.
