First Golf

First Golf

H, today was your first golf outing ever!

We went to Seminole and played 9 holes with Pop.

It was fabulous.

I told you about it a day or two before and I think you woke up at 4 AM trying to get ready to go.

My girl.

You were so excited.

It’s Friday, so I took off work and broke you and K out of school to go.

You and I played golf and K spent time at the house with Gammies.

We got a two chocolate frosted donuts on the way out of town and ate them on the first hole after we teed off.

I also got you a Gatorade in the clubhouse before we started. You chose the red one and sipped on it the rest of the day.

You seemed to love riding in the golf cart with us.

After we finished, we all got McDonald’s and ate lunch back at Pop and Gammies house.

We lounged and watched TV until about 2:30 or 3 before we headed back home.

You and K slept the entire way back.

It was such a good day.

I love you.
