First Horse

First Horse

K, you rode your first horse this weekend!

We went to the corn maze outside of Shallowater at “At’l Do Farms.”

It’s the same place we always go.

And a good thing we went too because, it turned out, it was the last day of the season.

It was windy and we were cold even bundled up in our jackets.

H, K and you rode the train with mom two times.

We stopped by and looked at the pigs and chickens. They ate like little robots, oblivious to our watching eyes.

For five dollars each – it was a miracle I happen to have cash – both you girls got to ride your own horse around the pen for a few minutes. I tried to count, and I think they let you make five or six laps.

But the hit of the trip was everyone sharing some hot corn on the cob with a cold can of Coke.

We sat on a dusty bench and wiped our faces with brown napkins as we ate.

With a big space to be safe, and a little freedom from mom and dad, you both ran around like the wind.

I love you.
