Last First Steps

T, you took your first steps today.

Mom said that you started doing it earlier in the day while H and I were at basketball practice.

But later you did it again when I was sitting in the floor playing with you in H and K’s room.

You stood and steadied yourself a few feet away from me and smiling wide took a little step towards me and fell into my arms.

The crazy part is that you crawled back to the same spot and did it over and over again like you were intentionally practicing!

We’re so proud of you – all of us were clapping and cheering you on at each attempt.

H and K both were laughing and hugging you when they saw.

Goodness, I got all sappy later thinking about it and just wanted to weep.

Absolutely can’t believe our last baby has taken her first steps now.

For maybe another week or two, you will still reach for me.

And I’m gonna enjoy each of those moments as they come.

I love you.
