First Fishing

Girls girls girls.

All of you went fishing for the first time this Sunday!

Nothing fancy, we went with Pop to the playa behind mom’s office.

Pop bought each of you fishing poles for your first day.

We stayed for an hour and a half or so.

Although nobody caught anything – I’m still gonna call it a win.

(I think we need smaller fish hooks and better bait – but nobody asked me. 😉)

We shared a first, spent some great time together, and all enjoyed being outside.

To be honest, I am a little embarrassed that I did not take each of you sooner.

Let’s go again soon.

I remember fishing with my dad as a kid too. We would go to Pine Log Creek. I would fall asleep in the cool of the early morning and wake up to the sound of water under the boat. We would eat sandwiches and drink Cokes in the shade and ease through the afternoon without a care in the world. Just the two of us.

I love you.
