
Tonight was a good night.

Pop and Gramms were moving a few things from Seminole into their new Lubbock house today so we drove by after work and school to say hi.

They just had new carpet put in – and were having a new washer, drier, and refrigerator dropped off when we got there.

The cool part was that they were headed back to Seminole for the weekend and taking you, H and K, to hang out for the two days!

The part that I loved was what happened before y’all ate dinner.

Pop was putting his four-wheeler up and offered to take K on a short ride around the adjoining lot.

As they started, H, you got out of the car with mom (from getting dinner) saying: “No fair! I want to go!

Simultaneously, T, you were trying to swan-dive out of my arms and run towards all the fun, grunting, and whining, that you wanted to go too.


Pop had to make three trips to satisfy all of y’all…

I love you.
