Freedom From Fear, Sermon Notes

Title: Freedom From Fear
Speaker: David Wilson 
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 29 March 2020
Verse:  Psalm 27:1-6, 14

I. The reality of fear (Fear factor)
A. Healthy (Protects you)
B. Harmful (Paralyzes you)
C. Holy (Preserves you) (Proverbs1:7, 9:10)
II. The remedy for fear (1-6)
A. Remember your relationship with the Lord (1)
– 1. Light dispels darkness
– 2. Salvation brings security
– 3. Strength brings shelter
B. Recall all that God has done (2-3)
C. Remain faithful in your walk (4-5)
D. Renew and rejoice in your worship (6)