French Fries Come From

H and K, I took y’all to chapel this morning.

Mom had to be at work early and took T.

We jammed to the video below…


Giving the talk was a dad of one of the first graders.

He started his set with a few dad jokes.

The first one was:

Where are French fries from?

Of course everyone guessed France and a few other random things.

Theme he gave the answer:

No, French fries are from Greece.

Ahhhhhahahhaa. Booooooo. Everyone laughed and moaned.

But here the funny part.

As he said it, K, you turned to me with a look of disdain, 80% anger and 20% confusion.

You looked so mad and said:

No. French fries come from potatoes!

Don’t ever change.

I love you.
